23 August 2021 | Congresses | Trade Fairs | ORTHOPAEDIE SCHUH TECHNIK TRADE FAIR

IVO congress and ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK trade fair 2022: Worldwide meeting of pedorthists

On October 14 and 15, 2022, the city of Cologne in Germany will become the worldwide center of orthopedic shoe technology: for the first time, the congress of the International Association of Orthopedic Shoe Technicians (IVO) will be held together with the ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK trade fair. The congress program will offer two main focal points from an international and interdisciplinary perspective: "Diabetic foot" and "Biomechanics of the foot and foot orthotics".

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(stockphoto-graf/Adobe Stock)
23 August 2021 | Phedortics International

New technologies in pedorthics: The will grow but will not take over completely

New technologies have a firm place in pedorthics today. Experts expect their share in the production of individual aids for the foot to increase even further in the future. This is shown by a survey among members of the International Association of Orthopaedic Footwear Technicians (IVO).

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12 May 2021 | Congresses | Trade Fairs

Leipzig to Remain Permanent Venue for OTWorld

The German Association of Orthopaedic Technology (BIV-OT), Confairmed GmbH and Leipziger Messe GmbH will continue their 21-year joint success story: The contract for OTWorld's established venue in Leipzig has been extended until 2036, ahead of schedule.

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(Photo: AdobeStock/ipopba)
12 May 2021 | Medicine & Technology | Education

Orthopaedic footwear technology competence center launched

The profession of pedorthics must and should continue to be developed. To this end, it is necessary to transfer new knowledge, new technologies and new findings from science to the trade as quickly and practically as possible. Since last year, this task has been in the hands of a newly created competence center in Germany.

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(Photo: memorisz/AdobeStock)
12 May 2021 | Medicine & Technology

How to build shoes for patients with diabetic foot syndrome

Guidelines for the construction of orthopedic shoes in the therapy of diabetic foot syndrome offers a design protocol that was developed by an interdisciplinary working group on the basis of the available scientific evidence.

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Fred Holtkamp (Photo: van der Maazen)
12 May 2021

"Order of Oranje" for Fred Holtkamp

Fred Holtkamp, teacher and researcher at the Fontys Paramedic Hogeschool, can call himself Officer in the Order of Oranje-Nassau since April 26, 2021. He receives this award because of his commitment at home and abroad to orthopedic shoes and other assistive devices for people with walking problems.

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