Call for Abstracts

On October 20 and 21, 2023, Cologne will once again become the worldwide center of pedorthics. While almost all suppliers of the industry will present themselves at the trade fair ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK 2023, the congress will again offer the opportunity to bring one's own knowledge up to date and to learn about new approaches to pedorthic care.
Such a congress thrives on the quality of the presentations and the diversity of the topics. C. Maurer Fachmedien as the organizer therefore invites all pedorthists, physicians and scientists to present and discuss their experiences and findings on the topic of assistive devices for the foot. Field reports from the practice of orthotic fitting are just as welcome as new findings from medicine and science or reports on new therapeutic approaches.
As at previous events, there will be lecture blocks reserved specifically for submitted free papers. Presenters will have the opportunity to present their topic to an international audience.
The organizers are happy to receive submissions on the main topics of the congress. However, this is not a precondition. The 2023 focus topics are.
- My Company - My Future: Concepts and perspectives for Pedorthics
- Analyze, Understand, Treat - more knowledge for better care.
The congress language is German. Submissions and presentations may also be in English. Interpreters will be available in the congress area.
Presentations must be submitted by April 16, 2023. Announcement of accepted papers will be made on May 15, 2023. Speakers whose paper is accepted will receive a free congress ticket.
For submission, please use the submission form, which you can download here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Wolfgang Best, who is responsible for the organization of the congress program (