ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK 2022 with IVO World Congress – Earlybird ends February 28, 2022

2022 will be a special trade fair year for pedorthics: The whole industry waits in the wings to finally meet again in person on 14 and 15 October 2022, after the postponement the year before. After 22 years, the IVO World Congress will take place in Germany again. A highlight that will beckon many international visitors to Cologne.
"Both among exhibitors and in orthopedic footwear technology, after the restrictions of last year, there is now a strong desire to finally be able to exchange ideas with each other in person again at the largest event in the industry, to take a closer look at the innovations and developments in orthopedic footwear technology and to benefit from the expertise of exhibitors and speakers on site," explains Carl Otto Maurer, Managing Director of C. Maurer Fachmedien. "We want to take this into account and let the trade fair and congress take place in presence - and in the usual variety."
Early Bird discount for exhibitors
At the trade fair, visitors can once again expect a wide range of national and international suppliers to the industry: from materials to auxiliaries, machine technology and new measuring and production technologies to comfort shoes, podiatry suppliers and service providers for everything to do with the industry. Exhibitor registrations are already underway. Exhibitors who secure their space in the exhibition hall by February 28, 2022 will receive an early bird discount of 5%. Exhibitor registrations are open in total until June 15, 2022. Individual sponsorship packages are also available for those interested in becoming a Gold, Silver or Bronze Sponsor of the show or a Congress Sponsor.
In the FORUM at the trade fair, there will be the opportunity to book presentations and present one's own innovations to trade fair visitors in this setting.
Visitors to the trade fair and congress will be able to register from May 2022 - at www.OST-Messe.de.