Workshop: Pedorthics Education in Progress in Cologne

Fred Holtkamp is a lecturer in orthopaedic shoe technology at Fontys University in Eindhoven and has developed and implemented a training project in Vietnam. On Friday, 18 October 2019, from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm, he will offer an interactive workshop at the ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK in Cologne, where different educational concepts will be set in relation to the resources available in different countries. The aim of the workshop is to work out together with the participants how training and quality standards can be put into practice under different conditions. Participation in the workshop is free of charge.
People from all over the world are confronted with foot related diseases, often resulting in limitation of their mobility and a decrease of their quality of life. Interestingly, for a number of specific diseases significant regional differences in appearance can be observed. Also, it can be observed that, for a number of reasons, coping with these diseases also shows significant regional differences. First, a result of cultural framing of the disease; second, the provision of orthopaedic services and devices and third, the presence of competent staff who can assess the disease, design and manufacture (bespoke) devices. Although the access to adequate orthopaedic help is related to national income, and therefore often related to poverty , the WHO states that the accessibility to assistive devices is a human right.
In this interactive workshop a number of orthopaedic cases and their resulting services and devices – from simple to complex – will be presented as “output” of trained staff. Then, participants will try to identify the required knowledge, skills/competence levels for the design of each of the cases. Participants also analyse the quality of manufacturing. Next, participants will try to distinguish for each casus, between the knowledge skills/competence that is needed to know – a required part of education/training- or nice to know.
The cases, in this workshop analysed, are a sample of the work produced by pedorthists trained/educated from three different courses in Netherlands, Vietnam and Australia. The courses differ in level (from EQF level 3/4-6), focus (vocational-professional) and in duration (from 18 months to 4 years). After a presentation of the three courses, participants will try to match the discussed cases with the types of education.
Finally, participants will discuss the implementation of the international standards for Orthopaedic Shoe Technology, as proposed by the international working group on request of ISPO and IVO. The workshop will conclude with required next steps.
Participation in the workshop is free of charge. An e-mail to