ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK in Cologne: Translated lectures and seminars in English

150 exhibitors from all over the world will present their innovations from pedorthics at the ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK 2019, in Cologne. On 18 and 19 October 2019 about 4,000 visitors are expected for the trade fair. The congress will feature more than 30 lectures from top-class specialist , which will be interpreted simultaneously (German/English).
There will also be seminars in English, dealing with different aspects of pedorthics, e.g. Orthopedic Footwear Modifications, Custom Orthotic Shoes, and pedorthic education.
Congress program
Friday; 18 October 2019
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Opening of congress
Practical treatments
Male and female pedorthists present extraordinary and challenging treatment examples.
- Custom orthotic shoes in case of advanced diabetic foot syndrome a combination of inner shoe and custom orthotic shoe, Luigi Maggio
- Treatment with custom orthotic shoes as assisting technology in Australia, Kathrin Wegener, Sydney, Australia
- Pedorthic treatments of amputations on the foot, Frank Schievink, Hanover, Germany
- Treatment with custom orthotic shoes in case of a so far untreated clubfoot, Elisabeth Klumpe, Osnabrück, Germany
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Digitalization in pedorthics
Digitalization changes our everday lives and corporate processes – also in pedorthics. If you still want to be successful, you have to understand what will change and what chances this presents for your own business.
- Let’s go for service 4.0 in pedorthics! A trip through successful implementation processes of the digital transformation, Christoph Krause, Koblenz, Germany
- We in motion – How the future creeps into pedorthics, Jessica Hohenschon, Bedburg, Germany
- The digital pedorthic company – customer service of the future, Linus Kriwat, Kiel, Germany
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
On the track of the pain
The area where the pain is located is not always identical with the area causing the pain. The art lies in finding the cause of the pain, since this is the key to the right therapy. With the help of three different approaches it will be demonstrated how this cause study can be successful and what consequences can be deducted from the findings.
- Functional causes of pain from the point of view of spiral dynamics
Dr. Jens Wippert, Munich, Germany
- Myofascial trigger points, Dr. med. Janusz Pieczykolan
- Biomechanic causes of running injuries and overloading damages, Prof. Gert-Peter Brüggemann, Cologne, Germany
3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Pes cavus
Cooperative session with the German Society of Foot Surgery (Gesellschaft für Fußchirurgie). It is easy to describe the pes cavus with its too strong longitudinal arch of the foot. But its different causes and manifestations turn it into a challenging treatment task of orthopedics, surgery and pedorthics.
- Causes, diagnosis and classification of a pes cavus, Dr. Hartmut Stinus, Northeim, Germany
- Options and limits of pedorthic treatments in case of a pes cavus, Pedorthist Matthias Löffler, Mössingen, Germany
- Reconstructive surgical treatment options for the therapy of a flexible pes cavus, Dr. Hartmut Stinus, Northeim, Germany
- Arthrodeses and tendon transpositions for the therapy of a neurogenic, pes cavus, Prof. Dr. Frank Braatz, Göttingen, Germany
3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Submitted lectures
The lectures submitted by the speakers in this session deal with research on shoes and foot orthotics.
- FEM-modelling of resistance examination against pressure impact according to DIN EN 12568 for steel caps in safety shoes, Nicole Dirksen, Münster, Germany
- Do different running shoes impact the gait line?, Philip Deters, Münster, Germany
- Torsion measurements in running shoes, Klaus Peikenkamp, Münster, Germany
- Different effect of two different types of foot orthotics on muscular activity in one-leg-landings in sports, Annette Kerkoff, Münster, Germany
- The formula of harmonious walking – joint assessment basis for orthopedic technology, pedorthics, physical therapist and physician, apl. Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Anders, Jena, Germany
Saturday, 19 October 2019
9:15 am – 10:30 am
What does “evidence” really mean?
For the integration of new aids and appliances into the German Technical Aids Register the National Association of Statutory Health Insurances requires scientific evidence. But for health care providers and manufacturers it is not quite understandable what kind of scientific proof will be accepted. In this session the basics of scientific proofs are presented and the ways towards more transparency and safety are discussed.
- Aids and appliances from the point of view of the institute for quality and profitability in healthcare (Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen), Naomi Fujita-Rohwerder, Cologne, Germany
- Study designs for the research on foot orthotics, Prof. Stefan Sesselmann, Weiden, Germany
- Evidence criteria for pedorthic aids and appliances from the point of view of the statutory health insurances, Dr. Monika Kücking, Berlin
- Panel discussion with speakers and representatives from medicine and pedorthics
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Evidence in the practical treatment
Cooperative session with the German Study Association Pedorthics Hannover (Studiengemeinschaft Orthopädieschuhtechnik Hanover e.V.) How can I verify if my treatment actually helps the patient? Analysis technologies can help here, but only if the aim of the treatment already had been determined before the treatment and if criteria are defined how the success is measured.
- Development of a treatment concept for daily practice: Questions, aim of the treatment, measuring methods, checking, correction, Thomas Stief, Gießen, Germany
- Practical examples of the implementation of a treatment concept, Tino Sprekelmeyer, Osnabrück, Markus Seeßle, Erding, Germany
- Round Table: Practical development of treatment concepts with the help of concrete treatment cases in dialogue between speakers and audience.
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Deformities of little toes –
Cooperative session with the German Association for Foot and Ankle joints (Deutsche Assoziation für Fuß und Sprunggelenk) Deformities of little toes occur frequently and are often differently denominated. In this session biomechanic causes of deformities of little toes are explained and conservative as well as surgical treatment options are presented and discussed.
- Deformities of little toes – etiology – pathogenesis – nomenclature, Dr. Michael Gabel, Stuttgart, Germany
- Silicone toe orthoses for the correction and as an alternative to surgery, Gianna Türk, Freudenstadt, Germany
- Incorrect load, incorrect motion and toe deformities. Correction and therapy with foot orthotics, Stepan Woltring, Ibbenbüren, Germany
- Surgical treatments – which procedure for which malposition and for which patient? Jörn Dohle, Wuppertal, Germany
- Round table: Interdisciplinary discussion of various cases with speakers and audience
3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Submitted lectures
The lectures submitted by the speakers in this session deal with research on the sensorimotor function of the foot, treatment of diabetic feet and on the use of new technologies.
- Dividing the plantar foot sole: how important is cutaneous information, Kelly Robb, Canada
- bifo-pilot study: Standardization of measurements and evaluation of impact review of diabetes-adapted footbeds, Klaus Peikenkamp, Münster, Germany
- A 3D plantar surface digitizing system based on the flatbed scanner, Karlo Obrovac, Zagreb, Croatia
- Interdisciplinary collaboration on developing patent pending 3D scanning and 3D printing process in foot orthotics, Dejan Tasner, Maribor, Slovenia
Pedorthics Education in Progress
Fred Holtkamp
Termin: Freitag 18.10.2019
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
ZVOS: 2 Punkte
AGOS: 2 Punkte
People from all over the world are confronted with foot related diseases, often resulting in limitation of their mobility and a decrease of their quality of life. Interestingly, for a number of specific diseases significant regional differences in appearance can be observed. Also, can be observed that, for a number of reasons, coping with these diseases also shows significant regional differences. First, a result of cultural framing of the disease; second, the provision of orthopaedic services and devices and third, the presence of competent staff who can assess the disease, design and manufacture (bespoke) devices. Although the access to adequate orthopaedic help is related to national income, and therefore often related to poverty , the WHO states that the accessibility to assistive devices is a human right.
In this interactive workshop a number of orthopaedic cases and their resulting services and devices -from simple to compex -will be presented as “output” of trained staff. Then, participants will try identify the required knowledge, skills/competence levels for the design of each of the cases. Participants also analyse the quality of manufacturing. Next, participants will try to distinguish for each casus, between the knowledge skills/competence that is need to know – a required part of education/training- or nice to know.
The cases, in this workshop analysed, are a sample of the work produced by pedorthist trained/educated form three different courses in Netherlands, Vietnam and Australia. The courses differ in level (from EQF level 3/4-6), focus (vocational-professional) and in duration (from 18 months to 4 years). After a presentation of the three courses, participants will try to match the discusses cases with the types of education.
Finally, participants will discuss the implementation of the international standards for Orthopaedic Shoe Technology, as proposed by the international working group on request of ISPO and IVO.
The workshop will conclude with required next steps.
Orthopedic Fottwear Modifications – biomechanics meet practical application
Thomas Stief
Friday 18.10.2019
2.00 pm – 3.00 pm
The optimal treatment with adaptations (modifications) to orthotic footwear is only possible by tracking clear and comprehensible treatment objectives. Biomechanical competences as well as technical and orthopedic skills play an important role in their formulation and implementation in daily practice.
In the course "Orthotic Footwear Modifications – biomechanics meet practical application" we will focus on:
- How types of biomechanical stress differ in various kinds of pathologies and influences gait characteristics,
- which treatment objectives could be addressed by Orthotic Footwear Modifications to meet the clinical needs of the individual user
- and the importance of biomechanical measurements in daily practice to achieve the treatment objectives.
Custom orthotic shoes: More than just shoes! When are they indicated? How to build them.
Karl-Heinz Schott
Saturday 19.10.2019
2.00 pm – 3.00 pm
The custom orthotic shoe as functional appliance is little known in many countries. In the seminar the former IVO-president Karl-Heinz Schott explains what the custom orthotic shoe should be able to do and when it is subscribed – and that the certified pedorthist generates the diagnostic findings himself and that he decides on the treatment. He shows how patients can be treated in a country where pedorthic works are not part of the services of health insurance companies and where the physician is not the initiator of the treatment. It will also be discussed how the „Priority Assistive Product List“ of the WHO has changed the treatment situations in various countries.