Pedorthic Association of Australia (PAA): New logo

To celebrate the start of a new year and a new decade, the Pedorthic Association of Australia (PAA) is proud to announce the launch of a new logo.
"We loved our old logo and know many felt the same", says Katrin Wegener, president of the PAA. However, in recent years the pedorthic profession in Australia has evolved rapidly, with the introduction of the Bachelor of Pedorthics course at Southern Cross University (SCU), as well as the growing recognition of the pedorthic service offering in allied health by key stakeholders, including Diabetic Foot Australia’s 2018 Australian guideline on footwear for people with diabetes and the National Association of Diabetes Centres’ Collaborative Interdisciplinary Diabetes High Risk Foot Services Standards.
"We believed our brand identity needed to evolve, with a new logo that reflects a new era for Pedorthics in Australia, which is modern and easily identifiable as the key field that specialises in medical grade footwear and orthotic appliances", Wegener explains the objective in the development of the logo. "At first glance, the new logo may just seem like a foot in a shoe. But the design elements were used to represent the PAA and the pedorthic profession". (see picture).