OTWorld showcases innovations around the topic healthy feet

OTWorld is the sector's largest and most important meeting place in the world. 2018 more than 570 exhibitors from 43 countries presented themselves. 21,400 visitors from over 90 countries came to see the trade show and participate in the congress.
In the congress orthotists and prosthetists, pedorthists and engineers, doctors and therapists from all over the world are brought together quite specifically to share improved care options for the benefit of patients.
There will be presentations covering various areas such as workshop equipment, new products for the orthopaedic footwear specialist shops as well as digital solutions for the office. The top theme of this year's trade show is "Digitalisation of the orthopaedic shoe technology workshop". Scanners and systems for gait analysis or the digital manufacture of insoles are among the innovations presented. There will be lecture events such as the symposium "Conservative care in orthopaedic footwear technology" in cooperation with DGIHV the Deutsche Gesellschaft für interprofessionelle Hilfsmittelversorgung e.V. (German Society for Interprofessional Aid Supply) or the course "Toe deformities - pathology, diagnostics, conservative and operative therapy" in cooperation with D.A.F the Deutsche Assoziation für Fuß- und Sprunggelenk e.V. (German Foot and Ankle Association). In addition to the congress programme, the Digital Manufacture Forum in Hall 1 features insights into the digitalisation of orthopaedic footwear technology. The latest developments in 3D printing and additive manufacturing will be presented there.
More information about the congress and an overview of all topics can be found in the congress programme.