NVOS: Indication Matrix for Pedorthic Treatment

Compensating handicaps as far as possible is one objective of pedorthic treatment. An ­important precondition is the prescription of orthotic appliances  according to guidelines and protocols. The Dutch Pedorthic Association NVOS has now developed an „indication matrix“, that will help physicians and pedorthist to answer the three most import questions for an ­optimal treatment: “What, when and why?”

An indication matrix is a group of tables that objectifies the links between medical indications, functional disorders and needs, functional requirements, product solutions and associated services. The indication matrix helps objectively identify which pedorthic solutions best meet the needs of which functional problems.

In order to create a platform for the indication format, NVOS-Orthobanda ­invited representatives from health insurers, ­rehabilitation specialists, researchers, ped­orthists and other parties affected to participate in this project. The pedorthic indication matrix for diabetic feet has produced a functional design for a digital care protocol. The objective of the ‘NVOS-Orthobanda indication portal basis’ is to create a web-based application. This application will support those specialists involved in providing care to devise a care plan and to evaluate the care provided. An area of particular importance is the assessment of care which shall lead to improved care protocols that can then be fed back into the indication portal. In addition, this data will provide statistical evidence of the quality and quantity of the care delivered through the portal. This information can be used to help policy makers reach a well-substantiated policy. Lastly, the portal could play an important role in the pooling and availability of knowledge in the field of ped­orthics. Users can access an important source of information in the information portal and e-learning modules, contributing towards the development and delivery of up-to-date and relevant vocational training. 

The plan is to commence automation of the diabetic foot pedorthic indication matrix – the digital protocol – after the summer of 2016. Indication matrices for other foot pathologies (rheumatic foot, degenerative foot, etc.) and for other pedorthic aids (starting with leg prostheses) will be developed during 2016/

(read Rob Verwaard’s complete article in the new issue of foot&shoe which is out since August 12, 2016)